Though there are multiple jurisdictions with sentencing guidelines, each exists on what we refer to as the advisory to mandatory continuum, referring to the degree to which the guidelines are enforced within each jurisdiction and,…
Jurisdictions across the United States take varied approaches to figuring out appropriate sentences in criminal cases. Some jurisdictions have sentencing commissions to help guide policy decisions in these areas. And some also have…
This article recommends the development of broad policies of preclusion regarding the use of incarceration for offenders who are highly unlikely to commit a violent crime in the future. The proposal builds on the new Model Penal Code:…
In November of 2016, the Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice commenced a project with the assistance of the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission to analyze the relationship between the criminal history score in the…
Though the Sentencing Guidelines Resource Center highlights information for 26 jurisdictions, including the federal government, not all of these jurisdictions have sentencing guidelines. Neither do all of the jurisdictions have sentencing…
Members of the American Law Institute voted at the end of May 2017 at the organization’s 2017 annual meeting to approve the final draft of Model Penal Code: Sentencing, a 15-year project led by Reporter Professor Kevin Reitz, Co-…
In 2015, the Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice published the Criminal History Enhancements Sourcebook, which provides a detailed comparison of the various ways 18 U.S. sentencing guidelines jurisdictions use an…
Criminal history scores make up one of the two most significant determinants of the punishment an offender receives in a sentencing guidelines jurisdiction. While prior convictions are taken into account by all U.S. sentencing systems,…
In Just Sentencing, Richard S. Frase presents a sentencing model that integrates theory and practice, combining clearly-stated normative principles with procedures that have proven successful in the most fully-developed state…