Robina Institute In Conversation Series

The Impact of Fees and Fines for Individuals on Parole and Probation

Fines and Fees Panel

Date and Time

Past Event


Cowles Auditorium, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Thank you for joining the Robina Institute on Thursday, April 14, 2016, for "The Impact of Fees and Fines for Individuals on Probation and Parole." View a recording of the event below.

This discussion covered the impact of the many supervision requirements or conditions that probationers and parolees experience prior to their release. They are required to pay fees as a condition of their supervision and are also required to pay for any programs and other “services” as part of their supervision conditions. The combination of fees can be quite high and cause a significant financial strain for some probationers, parolees, and their families — especially those with limited income and employment opportunities.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

One standard and one elimination of bias CLE credits for attorneys were approved by the Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal Education office. Event Code: 219171.


Speakers & Moderators

Kevin R. Reitz
Faculty Director, Robina Institute; James Annenberg La Vea Land Grant Chair in Criminal Procedure Law
Christopher Uggen
Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight Professor of Sociology and Law
Hon. Jack Lu
Hon. Jack Lu
Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court
Ebony Ruhland
Associate Professor, Rutgers University Newark; Former Research Director, Robina Institute


If you have additional questions, please email us at [email protected] or call 612-626-6600.